School Principal Message

It gives me immense pleasure to address you all through the website of KV Panna( MP) It is with the changing scenario of the modern world, with the explosion of Information Technology and the expansion of the gripping hands of media, the education system has also undergone an immense change In order to unburdenise the school goers the system of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation has been introduced by CBSE and has duly been adopted by KVS The Common Minimum Program introduced in the primary section of KVS is an attempt to socialize the tiny tots , to make them aware of their value system and their surrounding environment
The ultimate question that arises here is what we are actually expecting from the students If Swami Vivekananda is to be believed then Education is the divine manifestation already existing in man It implies that nothing can be taught by any outside agency The quality is inherent and inborn The teacher is merely the polisher sculptor and, facilitator the Vidyalaya is a kind of laboratory where the kids can grow in their own pace The students need to be nurturtured to be humane compassionate empathetic and true citizens of the future world instead of developing into mere intellectual giants.
A number of developmental work related to academic, discipline and beautification has been undertaken in the Vidyalaya The teachers are efficient and hardworking The parents are cooperative and above all the local administration is extremely supportive to the development of the vidyalaya and we feel obliged to express our sincere indebtedness to all.
I would like to end my words with the following thought of George Barnard Shaw.
This is the joy of true life----being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one, being thourghly worn out before you are thrown to the scrap heap, being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish clod of ailments and grievances
Thank You